Novirin is a natural treatment designed to help the immune system target the herpes virus (HSV).
A post marketing clinical study showed that the Novirin formula decreased symptoms of a herpes infection. A second post marketing clinical study
showed that the Novirin formula decreased the feeling of physical and mental fatigue associated with such infection. Both studies followed
the FDA guidelines for clinical studies.
Both clinical studies were published in medical journal Pharmacology and Pharmacy. The first clinical study was published in the special edition on
Advances in Antiviral Drugs.
The first study concluded: "... the clinical study showed that (the product that delivered the Novirin formula) is a safe and effective treatment against
the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) (and other viruses).
Therefore, health care practitioners should recommend (the Novirin formula) as a safe and effective antiviral treatment against
these viruses."
These studies provide a scientific proof that the Novirin formula actually works. To quote from the first study, "this study showed that
the natural product (that delivered the Novirin formula) safely and effectively decreases symptoms in individuals infected with the HSV (and other viruses)."
The following information provides answers to the most common questions about herpes
and how one can deal with a herpes infection.
Price: $42.99
Price: $52.99
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Is there a treatment for herpes virus?
Yes there is. Novirin is a natural remedy that helps the immune system target the latent herpes virus.
A recent clinical study tested the effect of the Novirin formula on viral infections,
including an infection with the herpes virus. The study showed that treatment with the Novirin formula decreased the symptoms
in over 70% of the infected individuals. Specifically,
it decreased the symptoms severity, frequency, and duration.
Novirin is unique since it helps the immune system target the latent herpes virus.
There are also medications on the market against the herpes virus, such as Valtrex and Acyclovir (Zovirax).
However, these medications only work during an outbreak to shorten the time of the herpes outbreak.
They are ineffective against the latent virus, and
therefore, don't prevent future outbreaks.
What are the costs of these treatments?
According to, the cost of a month's supply of Valtrex (90 pills),
one of the most common anti-herpes medications, is $1,275.00 for the brand name at the CVS Pharmacy.
The cost of the generic brand is only slightly less. While Acyclovir (Zovirax) is significantly cheaper,
this herpes medication still costs at least $140.00 for 90 pills.
Novirin is an antiviral remedy that helps the immune system target the latent herpes viruses. A month's supply of Novirin is $52.99.
That's almost $100 cheaper than Zovirax, and well over $1,000 cheaper than Valtrex.
How Did I Get Genital Herpes?
Genital herpes is passed between partners through intimate, skin-to-skin contact, such as contact during
vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, or just genital to genital rubbing. There is no way to contract a herpes infection from touching a toilet seat,
sharing a pair of clothing, etc.
Sometimes people are concerned that all sexual activities could lead to a herpes infection.
This is not true. One cannot contract the herpes virus when the genitalia are covered with cloths.
In other words, activities such as masturbation, "dry humping" etc. do not transfer the herpes virus.
If you contract herpes through oral sex, you most likely contracted the strain the causes cold sores, or HSV-1.
A genital infection with HSV-1 is usually lighter with less frequent outbreaks than with the more common
genital herpes virus (HSV-2).
Is My Sex Life Over?
There is a huge social stigma associated with a genital herpes infection.
In fact, WebMD says that a poll showed that the stigma of having a genital herpes infection ranked second only to HIV. [2]
In that survey, "Most people without genital herpes said they would avoid having a relationship with someone
who has genital herpes, and break up with a partner who had genital herpes."
This still doesn't mean your sex life is over.
However, sex will not be the same as it was before. You always risk transmitting herpes to your partner
(unless your partner already has herpes). You should be aware that refusing to tell your
partner about your herpes infection is illegal in some states,
and can wind up in legal trouble if you pass herpes to your partner without their knowledge.
You can reduce the likelihood of transferring herpes to your uninfected partner if you use condoms,
use antiviral suppressive medications, and refuse to have sex when you have an active herpes outbreak, or if you take Novirin.
If your partner has herpes as well, then your sex life can remain unaffected.
Can Herpes Kill Me?
According to the current medical knowlege, the answer is no. The current medical text books say that herpes causes painful,
burning sores that can last up to two weeks but the virus does not cause cancer.
In contrast, Dr. Hanan Polansky in his book "Microcompetition with
Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease" showed that the DNA of the latent herpes virus can cause cancer, heart disease, and other major diseases.
See more on Dr. Hanan Polansky's discovery on the CBCD website.
Is there a Cure for the Herpes Virus?
No. There is no cure. However, a clinical study showed that the Novirin formula decreases symptoms in individuals infected with the herpes virus.
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Can My Kids Get Herpes From Me?
It depends. Your kids will not get genital herpes from you since it is a sexually transmitted disease.
(If your child has a genital herpes infection, this is a sure sign of sexual abuse.)
However, your child CAN get an oral herpes infection from you if you also have HSV-1.
In fact, this is the most common way individuals become infected with HSV-1.
Parent share a drink, kiss their child on the mouth etc., and the virus is passed on.
How Do I know if I have Herpes?
There are blood antibody tests available now that can determine if you are infected with the herpes virus
even if you never had any symptoms.
Can I Have Kids?
Yes. One out of five Americans is infected with the genital herpes virus, and many infected people have children.
However, there are precautions that must be taken. If a woman knows that she has herpes,
she will have to have a cesarean section. This is because the baby could be infected with the
herpes virus while going through the birth canal. This must be prevented, since a herpes infection in babies can be fatal.
How Can I Boost My Immune System Against the Herpes Virus?
Take Novirin.
Click here to order Novirin
A clinical study proved that the Novirin formula decreases the
frequency, duration, and severity of outbreaks of painful,
burning genital sores. The clinical study was conducted by scientists at the
Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD).
Price: $52.99